Sunday, October 22, 2023

Top Hero Dogs That Risked Their Lives To Save People

Without a doubt, pets are the most amazing companions for kids and adults alike. They’re the best company when we have a little child to take care of, as we know that the child will grow up surrounded by love and learning how to care about others. In that regard, dogs are the most amazing pets that one could have, as they will always be on our side when we need them the most. If you do not believe me, please check these amazing stories of dogs saving their families!

Photo: Courtesy of Brian Smale


It's a widely known fact that many dogs work in rescue missions together with security forces such as the police or the army. This Golden Retriever named Bretagne may well be one of America's most famous pooches, and here's why.

Photo: Veterinary Practice News

Bretagne assisted the police during the rescue missions after Hurricane Katrina stroke New Orleans and when Hurricane Ivan struck the coast of Alabama. She helped rescue elders who were trapped inside their wrenched homes.


In 2019, the 60-pound Pit Bull shown in the picture made her way out of the house in the middle of the night after smelling a gas leak. A police officer heard the dog barking deafeningly near the doorstep, and immediately realized something was not right.

Photo: Fernando Duran

Thanks to Sadie, the police broke into their home and rescued the family just in time before it was too late. They were hospitalized as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning, but they quickly recovered.


Michael had alway been an animal lover, so one day he decided to adopt a cute little pup named Jazzy. However, little did he imagine that the furry pooch would literaly end up saving his life.

Photo: Arena Creative

Michael suffered from diabetes, and one day he fell into a coma after his sugar levels rocketed. Jazzy realized something was wrong and warned Michael's mother by barking at her incessantly. Christine found his son lying on the floor and immediately called an ambulance.


A woman named Judith Shaw fainted after experiencing sharp pains in her chest, but thankfully, her dog was there to have her back. The brave pooch named Louie pressed the panic button and before she knew it, doctors were on their way.

Photo: Get Leashed Magazine

Had it not been for Louie's noble gesture, Judith wouldn't have received the medical aid she urgently needed. A few weeks later, the brave pooch received an award in honor of her sacrifice.


This dashing Golden Retriever went down in history as one of the greatest Philippine heroes ever. In 2019, a deadly earthquake hit The Philippines, and a Golden named Bosch joined one of the rescue missions.

Photo: Get Leashed Magazine

Bosch successfully managed to rescue four people that had been buried beneath the rubble. He was also part of another rescue mission after a landslide struck one of the country's islands a few months later. Such was his dedication, that he was awarded a medal by the President himself.


In 2004, Indonesia was struck by a hazardous tsunami that took thousands of lives. But this blonde Shi-Tzu named Babu was willing to give up his life for the sake of her 83-year-old owner, Tami. You won't believe what happened.

Photo: Get Leashed Magazine

Babu knew there was danger lurking, so even though he actually hated walking through the streets, she made her owner take him for a walk and climb a nearby hill. By the time they had reached the hilltop, the tsunami had washed away their home.

Tater Tot

Christi's son, Peyton, had always wanted a pet of his own, so one day, she agreed to foster a dog named Tater Tot for a few months. But one day, Tater Tot sacrificed his life for his new family, making Christi realize that the dog would stay with them forever.

Photo: Get Leashed Magazine

One night, Christi woke up with the deafening sound of Tater Tot running back and forth from her room and Peyton's. She guessed something was wrong, and when she went to check out Peyton, she realized he could hardly breathe and had to be taken to the ER. Had it not been for the pooch, who knows what would've happened.


Back in 2007, a Doberman Pinscher named Khan miraculously saved this 1-year-old kid, just 7 weeks after being adopted. It all began when a Brown snake, one of the most poisonous snakes out there, approached the toddler.

Photo: Get Leashed Magazine

Khan didn't doubt it for a second and pushed the snake away with his paw, just as the animal was about to gnaw at the helpless baby's ankle. He was bitten by the snake, but luckily, he was given an anti-venom shot just in time.

Apollo The German Shepherd

A German Shepherd named Apollo went down in history after becoming the first police dog to aid the police during the 9/11 rescue mission. Together with officer Peter Davis, he went into the rubble and helped rescue many survivors.

Photo: Cheat Sheet

This hero dog stood against fire and burning metal in his search for survivors. As a journalist rightly claimed, "Whoever coined the phrase ‘working like a dog’ must have known Apollo". Coming next, another brave dog with the same name!

Apollo The Pit Bull

One summer afternoon, a girl named Maya Fairweather took his boyfriend's dog for a walk, this dashing 5-month-old black Pit Bull named Apollo. She let him off his leash as soon as they reached the park, when suddenly, this happened.

Photo: Cheet Sheat

A man tried to assault Maya, and that's when Apollo came back running towards her and bit the man in the leg. Maya couldn't have been more thankful. "He’s a good boy. I think he saved my life", she said.


It's a widely known fact that many blind people resort to service dogs, who are trained to lead their owners through the house and even along the streets. But this service dog named Figo literally saved his owner's life.

Photo: Cheat Sheet

He was leading his owner Audrey Stone back home, when all of a sudden, they were nearly run over by a bus. Figo didn't doubt it for a second and stood right in front of him and took most of the hit. Luckily, he was only left with an injured foot, so it all worked out for the best.


Lot's of research has been carried out regarding dogs' ability to detect illnesses, and it all seems to indicate that some dogs indeed have this sort of superpower. Such is the case of Dopey, a Golden Retriever who can sense when his owner is about to have a seizure.

Photo: Cheat Sheet

Each time Dopey's owner, Britton Voss, is seconds away from having a seizure, the pooch starts licking his face, and he's even learned to dial 911 with a specialized device. "This is not just a dog. Dopey’s an angel", Voss' teacher told the media.


It was just another winter day when this little pooch named Peanut started barking at her owners running up and down the stairs, and didn't stop until they let her out. They guessed something was wrong, so they followed Peanut just to make sure she was OK.

Photo: Cheat Sheet

However, Peanut wasn't the one who was in danger. The pooch led the couple to a narrow ditch, where a three-year-old girl was lost and nearly freezing. The couple immediately dialed 911 and the toddler reunited with her family.


It's safe to say that all service dogs are heroes, but there's something about Yolanda that makes her stand out. This Labrador saved her blind owner from a fire. It's one of those things that usually just happen in Hollywood movies, right?

Photo: InspireMore

Not only did Yolanda realize that the house was catching on fire, but she managed to call 911 using a specialized device, and moments later she managed to drag her owner out of the house. You don't see that every day!


Angela Fullmer lived in a large, wooden home in Iowa, together with her whopping 9 children and her dashing pooch named Capone. But it all nearly ended in tragedy when her house caught fire in the middle of the night.

Photo: Cheat Sheet

The whole family was fast asleep, but Capone woke up the second he smelled smoke. He woke up Angela just in time for her to rescue her 9 kids, and it wasn't long before the whole house burst into flames.


Josie Conlon loved her dog, Ted, but the truth was that he rarely demonstrated affection. We could even say he had more of a cat-like personality. However, one day, Ted began to bark and paw at her chest. What was going on?

Photo: Cheat Sheet

It seemed that Ted was sensing something was wrong, and when Josie went to a doctor's appointment, she realized she had an advanced tumor in her breast. She eventually recovered, and all thanks to her loyal friend.

Unnamed Hero Dog

Most of the stories on our list are about people being saved by their pets, but this time, that wasn't the case. A four-year-old boy was driving his bicycle, when a dog suddenly lunged at him and started gnawing at his shoe.

Photo: Alabama Public Radio

The young kid wasn't nearly as strong so as to defend himself, but luckily, a guardian angel came to his rescue. A stray dog - dubbed "Hero Dog" by the media - chased the dog away and saved the kid from further injuries.


One day, a teenager named Joseph Phillips-Garcia went on a fishing trip with his aunt and cousin, and the boy asked if he could take his dog, Sako, with them. His aunt finally caved in, and we're glad she did, because if not, they wouldn't have made it back!

Photo: Cheat Sheet

On their way to the lake, the car lost control and fell down a steep hill, and Joseph and Sako were suddenly tossed from the vehicle. The boy couldn't move as he had fractured his femur, but the pooch helped keep him warm and even led him to a creek for some water.


As adorable and innocent as she may seem, this fluffy pooch named Max was responsible for saving the lives of an entire family! Annette and her husband were fast asleep, when suddenly, some strange thumping sound woke them up.

Photo: The Dodo

Their dog was scratching their bedroom door, and thank god she did! Apparently, there had been a gas leak, meaning that the couple had been exposed to dangerously high levels of carbon monoxide during their sleep. Had it not been for Max, they wouldn't have lived to tell it.


It was just another ice-cold winter day in the Michigan countryside, when a man named Bob accidentally slipped in the snow and hurt his neck. There was no-one to be seen, but luckily enough, his loyal pet was by his side.

Photo: Cheat Sheet

Bob's Golden Retriever, which goes by the name Kelsey, stood next to him for over 20 hours, and she barked and howled until someone finally showed up.

"By morning, my voice was gone and I couldn’t yell for help, but Kelsey didn’t stop barking", Bob said.


One of the worst tragedies that have ever struck the United States in its whole history was Hurricane Katrina, one of the most destructive natural disasters that left behind several casualties. But for every sad story, there is one with a happy ending.

Photo: Courtesy of Giveitlove

During the Katrina storm, one man was drowning in very high floodwaters, and that was when Katrina, a black labrador dog jumped to the water and saved him. But after Katrina saved the man, she needed help, and the Red Cross came to aid her. That same year, Katrina received a Genesis Award by the citizens of the city.


Xena was a shelter dog that was found starving to death, weighing only four pounds due to the abuse and disinterest of her previous owners. A few weeks after arriving at the shelter, she recovered her weight and was later adopted by a lovely family to serve as the company of an autistic child.

Photo: Courtesy of Giveitlove

Johnnie Hickey is an 8-year-old kid that suffers from severe autism and was in desperate need of help, and help is exactly what this family found in Xena. She became her best friend and therapist dog, and together they came a long way. According to Johnnie’s mother, he is a totally different kid. He went from being a non-verbal kid to a never-stops-talking kid!


Shana is a German Shepherd mix that was saved by Norman and Eve Fertig after she was abandoned by her previous owners when she was only two weeks old. Little did the Fertigs know that they were going to be saved by Shana 7 years later.

Photo: Courtesy of Giveitlove

In 2006, a snowstorm trapped Shana’s owners in upstate New York, after a tree fell on top of their car and buried them in snow. Shana made a hole in the snow, pulled her owners out of the car, and heated them until the fire department arrived at the scene.


Maya is a very small American pitbull that was also abandoned by her owners but was later adopted by Angela Marcelino, a single mother. In 2008, after Angela was coming from her birthday party, she was attacked and surprised by a male rapist.

Photo: Courtesy of Giveitlove

Angela was starting to get desperate until she saw Maya’s fur behind the man’s back, and ordered the pooch to attack him. Maya, without a second to lose, jumped and bit the man, making him run away and leave her owner alone. Thanks to that feat, Maya was awarded the Honorable Dog of the Year Award in 2008.


Another dog that was awarded the Honorable Dog of the Year award was a lovely English Cocker Spaniel by the name of Honey. While on a car trip with Michael, her owner, they had a terrible car accident and ended flipped upside down. Knowing that Honey was his only hope, Michael released her leash.

Photo: Courtesy of Giveitlove

As soon as Honey got out of the SUV, she ran approximately half a mile to the closest town and attracted the attention of another man. She took him to the accident site and together they saved Michael, who would have died if it wasn’t for Honey.


The story of Napoleon is different from the previous stories, as he did not save his owners, but instead, he saved the lives of six recently born kittens that were about to drown in a Michigan lake. Napoleon is an English bulldog, and like the rest of his species, he is a very bad swimmer.

Photo: Courtesy of Giveitlove

But that did not stop him from jumping into the lake and swimming to the sack that was in the water. After he got out of the lake, his owner saw what was inside the sack and she was shocked. Napoleon saved six baby kittens and together they nursed them back to full health. Sadly, two of the kittens died.


Rocky is a police dog from Lakewood, Colorado who saved his whole team after they caught a 20-year-old thief. When the police found the suspect, he started shooting at the whole squad and Rocky came running and tackled the burglar, keeping him to the ground with his paws.

Photo: Courtesy of Giveitlove

Sadly, the thief continued shooting and one bullet lodged itself in Rocky’s front paw, but in the end, the burglar was arrested and put in jail. Rocky appeared in every news headling and continued serving in the police force for six more years.


Many humans are afraid of Rottweilers as they are considered to be the most vicious and violent dog breeds, but Eve showed the world that that is not entirely true. Her owner, Kathie, is a paralyzed paraplegic woman who requires the presence of Eve for her daily tasks.

Photo: Courtesy of Giveitlove

One day, when Kathie was driving a personalized truck, she lost control of the vehicle and it struck a tree. When Kathie regained consciousness, the truck was filling with gases and smoke and as she could not move. Miraculously, Eve came and dragged her out of the truck. A few seconds later, the truck exploded.


On the contrary to Rottweilers, Siberian Huskies are considered to be one of the most lovely and loyal dog breeds out there. Neo was given to his owner, Marcie Snead, who suffers from diabetes, fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. While on a trip one day, Marcie had a hypoglycemic shock and fell.

Photo: Courtesy of Giveitlove

They were in the middle of nowhere, but as Neo was so worried about his owner that he ran to the nearest building a few miles away and called the attention of several people and led them back to where Marcie had fallen. When they found her, they called an ambulance and fortunately, she recovered!


While relaxing on vacations in the family’s 41-foot yacht, Kankuntu became the hero of the story. One night the yacht was hijacked by a group of sea thieves that were armed with guns and threatened to kill the whole family if they did not give them the boat.

Photo: Courtesy of Giveitlove

Luckily for the family, the dog came rushing from below deck and started attacking the thieves, until one of them shot the dog in-between the shoulder blades. Fortunately, the dog was not in any danger and he even saved his family, as the thieves had to run away.


Ever heard the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover?”. Well, Junior is the living example, as he saved his whole family from a deadly fire that was about to destroy the house. That same day, Junior’s owner, Madelous had invited six friends over, when an intense fire broke out in the middle of the night.

Photo: Giveitlove

As neither Madelous or any of his six friends woke up, Junior took the matter into his small paws and started running and barking as loudly as possible to wake everybody up. Thankfully, every person in the house was able to leave and they called the fire department.


Arkansas born puppy, Miley, was the hero of this story, after saving her owner, Stacie Pitts, and the rest of her family from carbon monoxide. Deep into the night, when the family was profoundly asleep, Miley started barking and running all around the house in order to wake her owner.

Photo: Giveitlove

Stacie woke up several times at night, calmed Miley down and went back to sleep. But every time she went back to bed, Miley started to bark again. At last, Stacie realized that something was wrong and woke up the rest of the family. Every one of them had severe headaches. After a visit to the hospital, they realized that Miley had saved them from carbon monoxide poisoning.


Golden Retrievers are one of the most faithful and playful dog breeds in the world, and if you want to be fully loved, you should have one. Debbie Parkhurst, Toby’s owner, was reading a book while eating an apple when something disastrous happened. A large piece of the fruit stored in her throat.


Unable to do anything, desperately trying to get air into her lungs, she was able to call Toby. Her two-year-old dog came running and with his paws performed a kind of Heimlich maneuver that saved his owner’s life as the apple got out of Debbie’s throat.


Canada is one of the safest countries in the world, but Austin Forman is not so sure about that. One afternoon when he was playing with his dog, Angel, in the backyard of his house, he was surprised by a large cougar that jumped over the fence.

Photo: Brian Smale

In order to protect his kid, Angel put himself in front of Austin trying to buy some time for the kid to go inside the house. When Austin came out with his parents, the cougar had left and Angel had a few bites. But the love of his family nursed him back to full health in no time!


This is one of the most incredible heroes in this list. This five-pound Chihuahua, Zoey, saved his small one-year-old human from being bitten by a poisonous rattlesnake in his grandparents’ house.

Photo: Giveitlove

When Booker West was splashing his little hands in the birdbath in the backyard of his grandparents’ house in Colorado, a three-foot-long snake slithered next to him, although he did not even notice. When the snake jumped to attack the boy, Zoey jumped in front of him and sustained the bite.


This story is somewhat different from the rest of the list, as Peety, the dog, saved the life of his owner in a completely special way. Before meeting Peety, Eric O’Grey weighed approximately 320 pounds and was a diabetic and hypertense middle-aged man.

Photo: Experience Life

In one of his doctor’s appointment, Eric was advised to get a pet, and so he did. Eric adopted Peety, an obese middle-aged dog, and together they improved their quality of life. One year after adopting him, Eric had lost 140 pounds and Peety 25 pounds.


In the city of Brampton, Darlington in England, an elderly woman was reported missing by his family and the police started searching for her for fourteen hours. As they were unable to find her, a-10 month-old Patterdale terrier by the name of Flash joined the search team.

Photo: Giveitlove

In less than one hour, Flash had found the old lady with his powerful sense of smell. The old woman had fallen inside a big bush and was unable to get out, and even though she was unharmed, she was distressed and confused. Police officers and community members thanked Flash for lending them a paw!


Budhi Blair is a North American veteran who, after returning from his tour in Vietnam, suffered from severe PTSD episodes and, as a consequence, he started assaulting police officers and even his wife. For his conduct, he was put in jail and served a few months.

Photo: Giveitlove

When Budhi was in jail, he met Layla, an abandoned pit bull that had been in a car accident and was crippled. He felt reflected in Layla, as Budhi felt that she was left aside, abused and discarded. In jail, he started a dog training program to be able to spend time with Layla and recover together.


Nellie is a four-year-old black dog that was adopted to help her owner, Gill, who is a 48-year-old hearing impaired single mom. Thanks to the heroic feat that she did, Nellie was awarded the Heroic Hearing Dog of the Year award.

Photo: Giveitlove 

One night on a family vacation, Gill, her two children, and Nellie were spending a quiet night in their vacation house when a man broke in. As Nellie helps Gill with everything sound-related, she woke her owner up and pointed to the man, while protecting the children. Finally, the man left them alone!


We all know that dogs have incredibly more acute senses in comparison to us humans, and they know when danger is coming way before than we realize it. Nyla is another example of a dog that saved her human from a terrible fire that could have killed her.

Photo: Giveitlove

When Sheila, her owner, was surrounded by fire and smoke and could not see anything around her, Nyla stood by her and guided her to the closest exit. Whenever Sheila lost sight of her dog, Nyla barked at her owner to put her on the right path. Sheila lost every material thing, but to her, nothing was more important than the fact that her little Nyla saved her.

Can You Believe These Albino Animals Actually Exist?

 I’m sure all of you have seen an albino person at least once in your life, but did you know that albinism is a condition that can also be found in animals? Believe it or not, no matter how rare they are, albino animals do exist. They usually don’t live long given they’re much more prone to being eaten by predators, but the animals you’re about to see have managed to survive despite the odds being against them. Ready or not, here’s a list of the coolest and palest animals ever to be spotted on Earth.

Photo: Courtesy of Earth Touch News Network

Albino Echidna

Although very few people know what an echidna is, they’re actually one of the coolest mammals in the whole world. They are one of the two monotremes left in the world, meaning that they are mammals who lay eggs.

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

These animals are rare enough, but take a look at this albino echidna! This funny-looking creature was found in Australia, and despite how cool he looks, he mustn’t be too happy about his looks, cause it must be way harder for him to blend in with the surroundings when a predator knocks on his door!

Albino Lobster

Yeah, I know exactly what you’re thinking: does an albino lobster taste exactly the same as an ordinary red lobster? Well, I don’t know about that, but what I do know is that they’re as cool as hell!

Photo: Courtesy of Insider

However, all-white lobsters are so uncommon, that if they were to be sold at a local market, they would probably be worth like 1000 bucks or something. Therefore, it’s better to be left with the doubt.

Albino Crow

Crows are one of the most famous and iconic birds, so much so that a non-black crow is basically inconceivable. However, it appears to be that not all crows are black. If you think I’m bluffing, then take a look at this albino crow!

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

What I love the most about this picture is that the all-white bird seems to be very furious at his normal black friend, almost as if he were screaming out “Why don’t you love me the way I am?“. Come on, black crow, you know better.

Albino Zebra

Zebras are famous for their black and white stripes, but Zoe seems to be the black sheep (or should we say the white sheep?) of the species. She’s one of the most unusual zebras to ever be born, since her stripes are white and… gold!

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

Known by the name Zoe, this zebra was born in 1998 in Hawaii, on an island named Molokai. She was the only “golden zebra” ever recorded on Earth, and she died just 2 years ago at the age of 17. Actually, she’s not really albino but suffers from a pigmentation abnormality known as amelanism.

Albino Beaver

And the cutest animal of the year award goes to… this sleepy little albino beaver! Beavers love to wallow in the mud all day long, so I seriously doubt he’ll remain white much longer. That’s actually a good thing: if he covers himself in mud, he’ll look just like the rest of his beaver friends and no-one will look at him weirdly!

Photo: Courtesy of Pinterest

Although we’re not completely sure where this picture was taken, another albino beaver was recently found in Alaska. Scientists believe that albinism in beavers occurs in one every million cases. So don’t get your hopes up, it’s more likely to be struck by lightning than to see one of these bad boys.

Albino Black Bear

I know what you’re thinking: that’s not an albino bear, it’s a polar bear! Those are not so rare! Well, think again, cause this is actually a super rare albino black bear. OK, he’s not technically albino, or else he’d have reddish eyes, but close enough.

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

So this polar bear is actually a black bear who suffered an unusual genetic mutation. Nearly 500 all-white black bears have been discovered so far, all of them in Northern Canada. Cool!

Albino Iguanas

Unlike most animals on this list, albino iguanas are not as rare as you’d think. Even though most iguanas come in different shades of green and brown and have the capacity of camouflaging with their surroundings, white iguanas have been spotted on numerous occasions, especially in Mexico.

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

As you can see, these pale reptiles look as if they came out straight from the Game of Thrones universe. If you look closely, they’re not technically white, but pale yellow. You can even own one, as they’re sold in the market for around $25.000.

Albino Porcupine

Let’s be honest, folks, doesn’t this albino porcupine’s hair look just like Donald Trump’s? We mean no offense, but the resemblance is just uncanny!

Photo: Courtesy of Modoor

Also, is it me, or does this porcupine look like a rabbit, just without long ears? All-white porcupines are extremely rare, but just recently, another one was found at the Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport, Maine.

Albino Wombats

Wombats are small marsupials who live in the Australian desert and let’s face it, they’re adorable as hell. While they’re usually brown, in 2012, a team of wildlife rescuers discovered 2 albino wombats roaming across the southern backlands.

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

Known by the names of Icy and Pola, these two little fellas were spotted near the town of Ceduna on the verge of starvation. Luckily, the rescuers gave them medical assistance and they are now living at the Ceduna Fauna Rescue Center.

Albino Turkeys

I bet you don’t see a white turkey every day, do you? Well, this albino turkey was discovered together with his normal black-feathered pal in the snowy countryside of Minnesota. But even though he’s white, he’s not actually albino.

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

The thing is that some turkeys may carry a recessive gene that can result in them being born white instead of brown or black. According to scientists, 1 every 100,000 turkeys are born this way. How cool is that?

Albino Fox

The animal shown in the picture is actually an albino fox. Like many animals on this list, this fox is not really albino, but was born with white fur as a result of an unusual genetic mutation. But how can you tell the difference?

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

Well, if this fox were albino, it would have red eyes instead of black ones, and even less melanin. Still, albino or not, how cool is he? If he had just a little bit more fur, he could easily be mistaken for a white dog!

Albino Sea Lion

No word can describe just how adorable this furry little creature is. This albino sea lion was discovered off the coast of Punta Bermeja in the Argentine Patagonia among a group of over 800 of its kind.

Photo: Courtesy of Vix

The sea lion was 3 weeks old, weighed roughly 30 pounds and was 80 cm tall. According to marine biologist Milton Perelló, the lack of pigmentation in his skin, eyes, and fur was caused by an unpredictable genetic mutation.

Albino Stingray

I don’t know if it’s that I’m still on Halloween mode, but if you ask me, this albino stingray looks like a ghost. The contrast between this all-white fish and his all-black pals is just awesome.

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

In 2018, a giant all-white stingray was spotted off the coast of Victoria, Australia, and the local fishermen named her Crystal. She was much bigger than the one shown in the picture above. Almost 13 feet long, in fact!

Albino Hummingbirds

Albino hummingbirds are too cute to be true, and that’s a fact. Apart from their white feathers, they also feature bright pink eyes, feet, and bill. Pink eyes, how crazy is that?

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

While some are really albino, some others are actually leucistic hummingbirds. Albinism in birds is the result of a genetic mutation that rarely happens, so you’ve gotta be really lucky to come across one of these little fellas.

Albino Cardinal

Cardinals are one of the most beautiful birds you’ll ever see and they’re most famous for their bright red feathers. But what ever happened to this little birdy? With all that red, white, and green in the picture, this albino cardinal almost looks like a true Christmas miracle!

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

While albino mammals usually feature red eyes, this is not the case of birds, and here’s why. In the case of mammals or reptiles, this rare condition affects the eyes’ rod cells, but birds’ eyes are mainly made up of cone cells. Therefore, you won’t be seeing any red-eyed albino birds in this world.

Albino Chipmunk

OK, can you think of anything cuter than this albino chipmunk? We’ve already seen that you can buy an albino iguana for $2.500, but why aren’t these cuties also on the market?

Photo: Courtesy of Pinterest

According to Missouri Conservationist, white chipmunks are born this way because they carry a recessive gene that alters the pigment of their hair. Although they’re super rare, they’re not impossible to find.

Albino Cobra

All animals on this list are shocking, but this one is just too much. Albino cobras? Are you kidding me? Even though I find snakes to be terrifying, this pale albino cobra is actually pretty damn cool.

Photo: Courtesy of

All-white snakes are quite rare and they usually come with those pinkish flaps on both sides of their face. In 2017, an albino Slat Grey snake was found in Australia and currently lives in the Territory Wildlife Park in Northern Territory.

Albino Monkey

Don’t tell me this monkey doesn’t look like a wise old man! Kind of like Rafiki from The Lion King, only white and grumpy! It’s actually a female monkey, but he looks more like a man to me.

Photo: Courtesy of Pinterest

Albino monkeys are very rare, but during the past few years, different species of all-white primates have been spotted in different parts of the African continent. For instance, in 2014, an albino velvet monkey was discovered in South Africa’s Kruger National Park.

Albino Lemur

The quality of this image may not be the best, but look how adorable that baby lemur is! Amazingly, this ordinary lemur gave birth to an albino lemur baby. What are the chances?

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

When a mammal is born with albinism, not only are their skin and fur all-white, but they usually carry hearing disorders. If this little guy were to suffer from hearing loss, it would be quite paradoxical considering how big his ears are.

Albino Camel

Isn’t this albino camel one of the most adorable things ever? Also, how was he born so white with such a dark-browned mother? Even though the camel in the picture is actually albino, some camels can be naturally all-white despite not having albinism.

Photo: Courtesy of Post Fun

Sure, these white furry fellas are just too cute, but the only bad thing about them is that it’s way easier to tell when they’re dirty. As to regular camels, they’re usually either dark or light brown, so if they’re all covered in sand or mud, you probably won’t even notice!

Albino Skunk

Skunks have a bad reputation for being the smelliest creatures out there, but if you take a look at this all-white creature you’ll appreciate just how adorable skunks are. They’re so furry I’d like to use it as a pillow!

Photo: Courtesy of Flickr

Also, is it just me, or does an albino skunk without its black stripes look just like some sort of weasel? I wonder if the white ones are just as smelly as ordinary skunks! I doubt they store the stink in their black stripes, but how cool would that be?

Humpback Whale

Say hello to Migaloo, the first albino humpback whale ever to be spotted in history. It was discovered in 1991 off the coast of Australia. It’s needless to say that albino whales are extremely rare, but fortunately, Migaloo has had two albino calves of his own.

Photo: Courtesy of Earth Touch News Network

Migaloo’s offsprings, MJ and Migaloo Jr., have been spotted quite a few times off the eastern coast of Australia. Seeing a whale is astonishing enough, but imagine having the chance of witnessing an entire family of albino whales splashing away right in front of you!

Albino Giraffe

Is it just me, or does this giraffe look naked? While giraffes are usually yellow with orange, reddish or black dots, 2 albino giraffes have been discovered in Kenya in 2017.

Photo: Courtesy of National Geographic

Conservationists soon discovered that the two all-white creatures were mother and daughter. Technically speaking, they don’t have albinism, but leucism, a genetic abnormality that causes loss of color in the skin.

Albino Moose

This albino moose was discovered in Sweden and he became famous worldwide after a politician captured some footage of the amazing creature dawdling along the road. But not only is his fur white, but his antlers too!

Photo: Courtesy of National Geographic

Just like in many cases in this list, this animal isn’t really albino, but was born all-white as a result of a recessive gene that can cause pigmentation abnormalities. Still, how cool is he?

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